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Feb. 6th 2025

Today I sat on my parents couch all day so that I could be there when a new fridge they were having delivered showed up, and while I did that I worked on writing my script for my video a bit and experimented with the "digital garden" plugin for my Obsidian vault. It's basically a free open source version of Obsidian Publish, which I've always kind of wanted to do because I love the Obsidian workflow and I just think it would be cool to show off some of the stuff I have in my vault. So I was pretty excited when I discovered that, and I built a kind of site for it cuz I'm a maniac and am slightly considering moving to using that in place of neocities, but I dunno maybe we'll see. Maybe I'll just use that for some things and still have this be my main site we will see what happens. You can check the new site in it's current state here.

I just really like that it will automate a lot of things for me, and integrate really well into my workflow since I use Obsidian for so many other things. I also write a lot of the stuff that ends up on here in Obsidian originally before moving it here, it feels like it's just kind of cutting out the middle man I guess, and that's really nice.

I got a haircut the other day while I watched Fantastic Mr Fox. I've never seen it before, but it was a great movie I loved it a lot, I always enjoy Wes Anderson movies so perfection was basically to be expected. I like George Clooney he did a good job. My wife just touched up my hair a bit btw nothing too crazy just a little bit of shaping and taming is all, it looks almost the same I didn't really lose any length.

Progress on the Dracula video has been good, kinda slow but it's happening. I think I can get it done before the end of this month, I'll have all day tomorrow to work on it pretty much and I think I can finish the first draft. Then all I have to do is make some adjustments till I'm happy with the script and then make the thing, which I think I can do over the course of the couple weeks left in this month. I really want it to be done before March.

The Elden Ring DLC is HARD guys. Like really hard. I can't decide if I want to keep exploring or beat the main game and then get into it. I'm a baby souls player, Elden Ring is my first one, so I just don't even know if I'm like ready yet. I've also tried to stay mostly blind to the DLC so everything is surprising me it's crazy in the land of shadow. Really cool though the one dungeon I've explored is super neat and interesting.

Other than all that that's pretty much it. Not too much going on. I'll keep working on the digital garden site and see if I think it's worth moving over there, I like it a lot so far so I might, but maybe I really will just turn it into it's own thing somehow, I dunno we'll have to see. Love you, bye.

Jan. 24th 2025

Hey there, it's me Bryce. It has been absolutely freezing the past couple days where I live and across most of the United States I think. I have a friend that lives in Florida who sent me pictures and videos of it SNOWING on the beach, it was actually colder there than it was here (Utah, a place that is supposedly known for it's snow and stuff (I've barely seen any this winter)). Apparently there's some kind of storm going on or something but I haven't heard about it a lot, my friend used the word "polar vortex" which sounds crazy but it has been real cold.

It's the end of the week, I've been trying my best to read my Dracula stuff but again I am not a good reader, but I've been trying my best and I'm making slow progress, but slow progress is still progress. Today I finally started some writing, not any actual scripting but more so just starting to organize my thoughts and start outlining some things. I think I'm really excited for this video, I haven't found a whole lot of other people talking about the topic the way that I'm thinking about tackling it.

As for other updates, I've still been using Fedora, I haven't really had to boot into Windows at all since I finished moving all my files, and I've been looking into alternatives to the few things that I don't have access to. So far the only things are Ableton Live and Aurora, a d&d character builder and manager that I really like using. I'm sure I'll continue finding more that I haven't thought about yet. I'm not too upset about Ableton honestly, I don't use it nearly as much as I used to but I did pay for a license which was pretty pricey so that is kind of a bummer. I've seen some people claiming that they've been able to get it to work with Wine and it has a preset in the Bottles application, so I'll have to do some investigating into that. I'm also gonna look back into LMMS. I used LMMS a long time ago, in like 2017 or 2018 when I first started learning about music and production and stuff, I couldn't really figure it out though. But, now I know a lot more and I think it'll actually suit my needs pretty well. I also might just shrink my Windows partition to like 100 gigs or something just for Live if I can't get it working. We'll see I guess.

As for Aurora, I tried setting that up in Bottles and I couldn't get it to work at all. I've been looking for alternatives and I can't really find any, if any of you know about any good alternatives to that please lmk, I don't wanna have to resort back to d&d beyond :).

I've been trying to make sure that my graphics card is working properly since it's an Nvidia card and that comes with all the proprietary drivers and whatnot, I think it seems like it's working fine but my gaming performance has been kinda weird and stuttery, granted it could just be that it was like compiling shaders and it would've sped up had I given it a bit more time but I didn't spend too much time in anything. Today I tested it out with Sekiro and It seemed like it was pretty good, but I couldn't get my controller to work and it was really frustrating and annoying, but it seems like that's a universal problem with the game itself not Linux. Plus, I don't really play games on my laptop very often anyways I usually just play on my Steam Deck, so it's not a problem really.

But yeah other than that I've been really happy with my time in Fedora, if things continue going well I don't see myself leaving to be honest. I needa actually stress test it though I haven't been able to do that yet, but once my Dracula video is finished scripting I'll be able to get started with the recording and editing process in Davinci Resolve, and if it can do a good job at that then we should be good to go.

Anyways, yeah, I think that's pretty much my whole update for today. Lmk if there's any other software I should be looking into. See ya later.

Jan. 20th 2025

Hi there it's me Bryce. I'm back after deciding that I needed to remake my blog page that was only up for like one day. Right now I just wanted to write something quick, kinda share what I've been thinkin about what's been going on stuff like that.

Yesterday and today I had my computer running for like 30-40 straight hours just downloading all my files from Onedrive. I tried a few different ways of doing this, downloading them from the website directly to my hard drive both on my fedora and windows install, neither of these worked for some reason it always ended up corrupting the zip file or something. I'd try to extract it and it would say something like "Can't extract the zip file, it's invalid" or "it's empty", super annoying idk why it did that.

I ended up just copying and pasting things one or two folders at a time, I kind of wanted to avoid doing that because my windows partition didn't really have the space to download everything at once, so it ended up being a tedious process but it's all done now, I now have all my files saved to an external hard drive for easy transportation and it's also 5 terabytes so it's pretty future proof, and easy to transition between operating systems as well.

Me and my wife are looking into learning shorthand right now, and it seems very intimidating to me honestly, all of the learning resources we've been finding seem to be just not super great honestly. We're gonna have to do some research and find the best learning resources for it, if you know of any you should totally hit me up.

I've made a lot of progress in Elden Ring, I beat some bosses made some progress, I'm up to Maliketh now, I almost beat him the other day but died right as he had a sliver of health left, super frustrating but that's alright. I beat Mohg as well and have explored the land of shadow just a little bit, I'm excited to really dig into the dlc I haven't really yet.

Tomorrow, I am going to spend at least an hour reading dracula because I need to finish it dang it.